Professional WEB Services
Trilingual "CMS" Sites

  Made  in Mexico

Anything Anytime Services
In 2020
I"ll became 3.0 soon
Server's Room in 2020
That's a real GOOD One ;)
Droning around...
The best weapon in 2020...
Network Setup
DreamArt Office 2016
My Office
5 years ago...
Editing Studio
Setting up ..
Cabling !
Brussels 2001
Fixing some stuff on my dentist PC
Playa dl Carmen 2014

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Mexican WEB Hosting

Mexico Lindo

This is Your best Option

Tarifas de Hospedaje

Garantia Satisfacción Garantía de satisfacción 30 días

Si no te convence nuestro servicio,
te devolvemos tu dinero

Soporte Técnico Soporte 100% Mexicano
¡Atención personalizada por
expertos 24/7 y en tu idioma!

Garantía de disponibilidad Garantía de disponibilidad 99.9% SLA
Tu sitio siempre en línea.

Clic aquí para obtener un 10% de descuento en tu primera compra

Extensiones de Nombres de dominio disponibles

Nombres de Dominio Diponibles

  1. Domain extensions .EU
    It is an extension of exclusive domain for companies or citizens of any country of the European Union,
    so to obtain it it is necessary to provide a resident contact in Europe.
  2. .TEL
    If you want to register this extension you should take into account that its only function is to show,
    in a simple way, the main data of a person or company using a predefined template.
    This extension can not be used as a second domain to show a website that already exists. ex.
  3. .CO.UK
    To obtain this extension it is necessary that you give the information of a resident contact in:
    United Kingdom (GB), Isle of Man (IM), Jersey (JE) or Guernsey (GG).
  4. .PRO It
    was created exclusively for professionals regardless of the area in which they work, to register it requires
    information or documents that support your degree such as: Professional title Professional license
    If the documents are not valid, the domain will be suspended in no more than 7 calendar days.
  5. .NET.MX
    Exclusive domain extension for Internet service or technology companies in Mexico, such as:
    Internet service providers. Value-added service providers. Wireless network service providers.
    Provider of data transmission services. Provider of special telecommunications services.
    If you want to register it, you must present the following documents:
    Copy of registration with the Federal Telecommunications Commission (COFETEL) as a provider of the aforementioned services.
    Provide information on the services they offer and vouchers for the official name of the ISP.
    These documents will have to be sent by mail to the offices of NIC Mexico, the entity that supervises the registration of domains in Mexico. P
    ostal mail of NIC Mexico: Av. Eugenio Garza Sada 427 L4-6 Col. Altavista, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico C.P. 64840
  6. .EDU.MX
    It is a FREE extension exclusively for the website of educational or research institutions in Mexico such as:
    Educational Institutions that have a registration with the SEP or are incorporated to a University recognized by the Mexican State.
    Labor training or technical education schools accredited by a competent office of the Mexican Government.
    Institutions dedicated to preschool education with registration before the SEP or incorporated to a University recognized by the Mexican State.
    Institutions dedicated to research that have registration with CONACYT.
    To register a .EDU.MX you must send by post the following documents:
    Copy of the Registry before the SEP or Official Gazette of the Federation that accredits it according to the specific case; or, if applicable,
    a copy of the registration with CONACYT.
    Document validating the appointment of who signs the application letter.
    Official identification of the person signing the letter on both sides in color (INE before IFE, Passport, Professional Identification Card).
    Letter letter addressed to: REGISTRY MX of the applicant institution, which will remain the owner of the domain name and the only one authorized to use it. A
    ll these documents must be sent to the offices of NIC Mexico in less than 10 business days, and thus, Network Information Center (NIC), entity that
    supervises the registration of domains in Mexico, validate the ownership of this domain extension.
    If the requirements for registration are not met, the domain will be canceled.
    Postal mail of NIC Mexico: Av. Eugenio Garza Sada 427 L4-6 Col. Altavista, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico C.P. 64840
  7. .GOB.MX
    Any institution and office of the Mexican Government may register this domain extension.
    The entities authorized to request registration are: Federal, State and Municipal Government.
    Secretariats and Dependencies.
    Government Programs.
    Centralized, decentralized, deconcentrated, autonomous and parastatal organizations of the Public
    Administration of the Mexican Government.
    Embassies of Mexico.
    If you represent any of these dependencies and want to register this domain it is important that you present the following documents:
    Letter with letterhead of the entity of the Mexican Government that requests the registration, signed by the legal representative.
    Copy of official identification of the legal representative who signs the letter (INE before IFE, Passport, Professional Certificate).
    The Organization related to the domain name ending with .GOB.MX can not be modified unless it is published officially in the Official Gazette
    of the Federation or the State Gazette as appropriate.
    These documents must be sent by post to the offices of NIC Mexico in less than 10 working days, so that Network Information Center (NIC),
    entity that supervises the registration of domains in Mexico, validates the ownership of this domain extension.
    If the requirements for registration are not met, the domain will be suspended

Free domain & hosting option

Dominos Gratuitos
Enlace a mi propio ejemplo de dominio gratis

(en Inglés, inconveniente: solo una pagina autorizada en la opción gratis)

FreenomWorld is also a fast and anonymous Public DNS resolver.
This video shows how to change your DNS settings on a Windows version 10 computer



Five step to follow before starting

Las 5 etapas a seguir

Recomandations from Telmex
(first phone provider in Mexico)

La opción



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